Just as you wouldn’t try to have a whispered conversation in the middle of a loud concert, it’s important to quiet down your mind before listening for the subtle impressions that arrive when remote viewing.
Take a few minutes to watch as various thoughts rise up in your mind. When a thought arrives, instead of getting interested in it and following it further, just let it fade away on its own. After a little while of doing this, you’ll find that the thoughts are less frequent and less pressing. Many people find it useful to let their attention rest on something in the present moment, such as the feeling of your abdomen as you breathe in and out, or the feeling of your breath passing below your nose. When thoughts arise, as they repeatedly will, just notice them and gently return your attention to your breath. No need to feel like you’ve failed when you get distracted by a thought. Just noticing it and gently returning your attention to your breath is itself a success, because doing this repeatedly helps build the habit that will gradually let you quiet your mind.
Meditating in this way will help shift your brain waves to the alpha frequency of 7.5 to 12.5 Hz, which is a relaxed, wakeful and receptive state that’s ideal for remote viewing. Quieting one’s mind is a skill, and like any other skill, it is improved with use. Practicing meditation for a few minutes each day will help you to more quickly and effectively shift your brain waves to the alpha state.
Additional options that some people find useful include brain wave trainers, which are small EEG units that sense your brain waves and give you immediate feedback, and recordings of binaural beats, which can help to shift your brain wave frequency through a process called entrainment.