Receiving Information
The first point to keep in mind about receiving information when remote viewing is that even the best remote viewers are never 100% accurate. Distractions such as stress and a busy mind can keep us from detecting information, and our own imagination and past associations can get in the way of our decoding and interpreting it accurately.
Once you’ve quieted your mind, little snippets of thought and imagery are still bound to pop up spontaneously now and then. This happens automatically, and to everyone — it’s virtually impossible to keep a mind completely empty for long. If you’ve first set your intention to remote view a particular target, then some of these impressions that bubble up are likely to be relevant to that target. Try to become aware of when you receive any kind of impression (without trying to force it), and then jot it down as a note or sketch.
Receiving a mix of accurate and inaccurate information can be a major problem for remote viewers who are, say, trying to assess the situation in a foreign location for national intelligence purposes. The C.I.A. remote viewing program built redundancy and other measures into their protocols to help deal with this issue. Fortunately, RV Tournament is a lot more forgiving because it asks you to choose the best match, between two images, to the impressions you’ve received. This means that even if only a fraction of the impressions are accurate, they’re still liable to be a better match to the correct target than the incorrect target.
Another point to keep in mind is that remote viewing is a set of skills, and the more you practice it, the more you commit to it and integrate it into your life, the better you will get at it.
Remote viewers may receive information in a variety of different ways. Each person is different, and you’ll find out for yourself what ways work best for you. Many remote viewers are visual; they receive visual impressions, flashes of images, colors, shapes, or textures. Others are auditory; they may hear sounds associated with the target, or even words describing the target, in their own internal voice. Some remote viewers are tactile, and will experience feelings associated with the target. Many remote viewers will receive information through some mix of these modalities.
It’s important to work to differentiate between the raw information you’re receiving, versus the interpretation your brain is automatically giving it, based on your experience. This interpretation is often called “analytical overlay”. There’s nothing wrong with it, and it may sometimes be accurate, but it’s useful to recognize what constitutes analytical overlay. Any information you receive that answers questions about form or function is analytical overlay. For example, you may receive raw impressions of something that’s red, metal, artificial, and shiny. If you then perceive this as a sports car, then this is your own interpretation, your own analytical overlay. “Sports car” represents form and function; the impressions of basic features (red, metal, artificial, shiny) do not. It often happens that basic impressions will be accurate, but the interpretation our brain gives them is not. That’s why it’s important, in RV Tournament, to choose a best matching image based more on which one has more basic features matching those of the impressions you received. Given one image of a green car and another of a red toy robot, those impressions of red, shiny, artificial, and metal are probably more likely to match the robot, even if your mind interpreted the impressions as a sports car.
Finally, perhaps the most important point to remember is to stay with the present moment. “Your strength is in the moment,” to quote David Morehouse, a government remote viewer turned acclaimed remote viewing teacher. When you’re remote viewing, limit your attention to what arises in your mind right now, and take note of that. Don’t worry about what you received already, and how it all fits together (or doesn’t). Don’t worry about whether you will receive anything, what it will mean, or whether it will match either of the image choices that you’ll be shown later. All those anxieties, distractions, and stories can only get in the way. Just stick with what you experience in the present moment.