Setting Intention
Once you’ve put your mind into a relaxed and receptive state, it’s time to set your intention for what target you will be remote viewing. Effectively communicating this intention to your subconscious mind is one of the most important steps in the remote viewing process.
At the end of each day’s round that you enter, you’ll get a notification that the round’s feedback has arrived. When you open RV Tournament you’ll be shown the correct target image for that round. This is the image you were attempting to remote view for that round. So the goal, when remote viewing, is to connect to your own future experience of viewing that feedback target image. The challenge is to forge as strong a connection as possible between your consciousness when remote viewing, and your consciousness later when you view the feedback image. Below are several techniques to help you do this.
A basic and effective method is to simply and confidently state your intention to yourself. For example, “I will now see in my mind the target image that I will be shown tomorrow afternoon.” If you expect to have the opportunity to open RV Tournament and view the feedback target image as soon as it arrives, you can make your intention more specific by including the time. For example, “I will now see in my mind the target image that I will be shown tomorrow at 4:30 pm.” (The feedback target image arrives each day at 4:30 pm EST). Including the time in your intention allows you to ask your subconscious to connect to the image you’ll be shown at that moment. This technique has proven very effective, but it requires that you’re able to fulfill the “promise” you’ve made to your subconscious by actually viewing the feedback image as soon as it arrives at the end of the round.
Another common and effective method is the use of “coordinates”. Coordinates are a set of numbers or letters that uniquely identify a particular target — for example, “8459-0025.” The coordinates are meaningless in and of themselves; you give them meaning by paying careful attention to them both when setting your intention as you begin a remote viewing session, and again when you receive your feedback target image for that session. By strongly associating the same coordinates with both the remote viewing session and the viewing of the feedback image, you help connect the two experiences.
When you begin a round’s remote viewing session, the target image’s coordinates will be displayed at the bottom of the screen. If you choose to use the coordinates, you might include them in your statement of intention. For example, “I will now see in my mind the target image that I will be shown tomorrow afternoon, identified by the coordinates 8459-0025.” You’ll want to imprint these coordinates deeply in your mind when setting your intention. I recommend writing down the coordinates, because getting your body involved can help communicate the information to your subconscious. I’ve found it useful to write the coordinates 2 or 3 times in a row, and even to write them using my non-dominant left hand (the left hand is controlled by the right side of the brain, which is more closely associated with the subconscious mind).
The equally important second step when using coordinates to connect to a target is to once again focus deeply on the coordinates when the target image is received as feedback. When the feedback image is received, you’ll be shown that target’s coordinates again. Pay as much attention to them at the feedback stage as you did when you started your remote viewing session; again, I recommend writing them down several times, using your left hand. See Viewing the Target Feedback for more.
Unfortunately it is very easy when remote viewing to accidentally receive information from something other than the desired target. This effect, called “displacement”, can be the result of inadvertently focusing your attention elsewhere in your remote viewing session. RV Tournament uses a “self-judging” protocol; that is, after your remote viewing session you are shown two different photographs, and asked which one better matches the impressions you received in your remote viewing session. This has several advantages over having an independent judge interpret your notes and sketches, but it also has a major disadvantage: right after your remote viewing session you are shown two images, and only one of them will be the correct target image.
It’s very, very easy to let your mind think of the appearance of the two image choices as feedback in itself. After all, when you’re shown the two choices your impressions may match one of them closely, showing that you succeeded in perceiving information from the future! That can be an exciting moment, but this excitement can work against us. By focusing on seeing the two image choices, we often end up accidentally signalling to our subconscious that we want to receive information from those two image choices, rather than from the one correct feedback image we’ll be shown the next day. The result is that we receive impressions from both image choices, or sometimes from just the wrong one!
The only solution to this is to learn to watch your thoughts and notice if you are anticipating looking at the two image choices. As you set your intention at the start of your remote viewing session, try to keep your focus on the moment you will view the feedback image at the end of the round. During the rest of your session, if you notice any thoughts about looking at the two image choices, or about any other time or place, just bring your attention back to the present moment and being open to whatever impressions you receive.
We can get excited — and even anxious — about whether either of the two image choices will match the impressions we receive, because we see that as a sign of whether or not we are psychic. After you’ve tried out remote viewing several times, you’ll very likely find some amazing similarities between the impressions you received, and the target image (or else the incorrect choice image) — similarities too coincidental to be written off to chance. I suggest you take this as validation that you are psychic — we all are, after all. If you can start seeing the two image choices as a simple part of the process, rather than as a verdict on your psychic ability, then you’ll be in a much better position to place your focus where it belongs so you can receive information about just the correct target feedback image.