Your History and Stats
You can review your progress in RV Tournament on the My History page.
Under the Rounds tab, you’ll find a list of all of the rounds that you’ve participated in. For each round you’ll see the date, whether or not you chose the correct target image, and how many points you gained or lost (based on the confidence level you submitted for that round). If you wrote or sketched on the Notes page for that round, you can tap the magnifying glass icon to view your notes. You can also tap the icon showing an arrow in a window, to view that round’s two image choices, and to see which one you picked and which one was the correct target image.
Under the Stats tab, you’ll find some statistics describing your performance in RV Tournament.
Listed first are the number of rounds you’ve completed, and the percentage of those where you’ve chosen the correct target image.
Below these are several more stats, that only become available once you’ve completed at least 10 rounds. These stats are more complex, and are aimed at those players who are more scientifically or mathematically minded. They are briefly described on the page itself, but below you can find more detailed explanations.
Z Score
This is a measure of how well you’ve performed, compared to what would be expected by random chance alone. Because there are two images to choose from, players on average would be expected to choose the correct target image in 50% of rounds, just by chance, without any remote viewing. If you choose correctly in 50% of rounds, your z-score will be 0. If you perform worse than 50%, your z-score will be negative, and if you perform better than 50%, your z-score will be positive.
Even though players, on average, would get 50% of rounds correct by chance, in reality an individual player would be unlikely to get exactly 50% correct. Imagine flipping a coin 100 times — it’s unlikely that you’d get exactly 50 heads and 50 tails. In fact, on average, you’d get 5 more or less than 50. In statistics, this amount by which an individual result, on average, differs from the mean result, is called the standard deviation. Your z-score is just a count of how many standard deviations distant your performance is from the mean.
Here’s an example. Say you’ve played 100 rounds. Just as with 100 coin flips, the standard deviation is 5. So if you got 55 of those 100 rounds correct, you are one standard deviation away from the mean, and so your z-score is 1.0. If you got 60 correct, you’d be two standard deviations away from the mean, so your z-score would be 2.0. Say you only got 35 correct, then you’d be three standard deviations away from the mean in the other direction, so your z-score would be -3.
The higher your z-score, the less likely it could have happened by chance alone. Say you’ve played 100 rounds and your z-score is 3. That means your performance is 3 standard deviations higher than the mean, so you’ve gotten 65 out of those 100 rounds correct. That’s very unlikely to happen by chance alone!
This is the probability of performing at least as well as you have, by random chance alone. It’s based on your z-score.
A z-score of 0 means you’re doing exactly as well as would be expected, on average, by chance — that is, you’ve gotten 50% of rounds correct. So, if your z-score is 0, then the probability of performing that well (or better) by chance will of course be 50% — 50% are expected to perform better than average, while the other 50% are expected to perform worse than average.
The higher your z-score, the less likely it is to be a result of chance alone. For example a z-score of 1 has a 15.9% probability of occurring by chance, a z-score of 2 has a 2.3% probability of occurring by chance, and a z-score of 3 has only a 0.1% probability of occurring by chance!
Note that your z-score, and so also the probability it represents, depends a lot on how many rounds you’ve played. If you’ve played 10 rounds, it’s not too unlikely that you’ll get 8 of them correct by chance. But if you’ve played 100 rounds, it’s very unlikely that you’d get 80 of them correct by chance. So, to build up a high z-score (and a low probability of getting the same results by chance), you’ll need to maintain good performance over many rounds.
Z Score with Confidence
Your regular z-score treats each round like a coin flip. If you choose the correct target image, it counts as a 1; if you choose the incorrect image it counts as a 0. Your z-score with confidence, however, takes into consideration the degree of confidence that you submit with your choice. If you choose the correct image with 100% confidence, it counts as 1; and if you choose the incorrect image with 100% confidence, it counts as a 0. But if you were to choose the correct image with confidence of 50%, then it would count as 0.75; if you were to choose the incorrect image with 50% confidence it would count as 0.25. If you submit your choice as 0% confidence in either image, it counts as 0.5.
Some remote viewing experiments have shown better results when participants are able to submit a measure of confidence along with their choice. It will be interesting to see if RV Tournament players will tend to have higher values for their Z Score with Confidence, than they do for their normal Z Score.
Probability with Confidence
This is the probability of performing at least as well as you have, taking your confidence submissions into consideration, by random chance alone. It’s based on your Z Score with Confidence, in the same way that the normal Probability is based on the normal Z Score.